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The Helix Markets Manifesto

Published at 15/Mar, 5 mins to read

We believe in the power of decentralization to bring about positive change in the world. How advances in blockchain technology can bring accessibility to all and revolutionize the way we store and transfer assets and value.

We believe in the importance of individual sovereignty and individuals' right to control their own property and rights. Blockchain technology can provide greater privacy and autonomy, and offer everyone the option to no longer rely on any government authority or centralized controlling entity.

We are committed to building a decentralized, open, and transparent marketplace that is accessible to the unbanked as well as the banked. We want to build a strong and vibrant community, who are engaged and passionate about advancing the cause of decentralization and blockchain technology.

Helix Markets is a reflection of our beliefs. We reimagined a decentralized exchange (DEX) from the ground up. We aim to rebuild trading infrastructure by empowering users to take back control of their assets and utilize blockchains to achieve full transparency. We stand by the following principles:

  • Full segregation between asset ownership (user) and the exchange, prioritizing the security of user funds above all else.
  • Full transparency, traceability and decentralized record-keeping that ensures a fair and level playing field for all.
  • Building tech that pushes the limits of innovation while making the product fun, safe and easy to use for everyone.
  • Code is Law.
  • Partnering and integrating with other DeFi, NFT and wider ecosystem players is the key to bringing liquidity volume and mass adoption to DeFi.

We believe in the potential of cryptocurrencies to create a more equitable and just world. We are excited about the future we are building and committed to building a better future for all.

Join us in building this vision together.